best friends animal society
Hobbled the name ...
The two men who are walking in front of me, their names are Tumpa and Raju - they are my constant companions!
The name of their name is chefley and her mother laughs too much. I do not understand, the name of man, what is the fault of their name?
These two people live with me since their birth. I go to school every day, then after returning from school, after eating and drinking, they wander around. We walked around the field and went to the big lake.
Occasionally two of the Kaji Ghar girl came to revolt like me. They do not have anyone like Tumpa and Raju. They see two sisters, that's pretty cool! Their clothes are also beautiful. I looked at sometime and saw what they did. Never talked.
Then again I play with Tumpa and Raju. At the end of the evening, come back home before evening. I can not live without them. It is forbidden to take them to school. That's why my mind does not sit in school.
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