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New Year means the day of change

Fahad does not tolerate his thoughts for too long.

There is no meaning to meet ray. Like today, one of the first boishahs asked Rashmi Fahad about the colors of Fahad's color. Fahad said- red. Rashmi never seen in red sari Fahad Red sari did not wear rays on wedding day? Fahad can not think too far Before that the phone was ringed in the pocket. The women's voice around

"Can you come today? In the river bank fair? "Fahad forgets to breathe a little.




"4pm." The phone keeps the ray. Is it a coincidence? Rashmi was thinking of Fahad? Why do you want to meet again after this? Fahad waited on the banks of the river at 4pm on one side of the river. That's the ray Ray coming Gorgeous red sari wearing ray.

"I wish you were going to meet me in the fair once after the red sari," came and said, Rashni.

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